Based from our head office in Glasgow, with satellite office’s in London, our City & Guilds qualified assessors can carry out expert Legionella risk assessments on properties across the UK and Ireland. This includes rented accommodation, commercial, residential, office blocks, supermarkets, hotels, churches, schools, pavilions, leisure centres, restaurants, pubs, retail stores and more.
As members of the Legionella Control Association, all of our services are carried out in accordance with the LCA Code of Conduct, along with all other current regulations.
What do our Legionella Risk Assessments consist of?
Whilst identifying the risk to your water systems, our assessor will check; the temperature of each water outlet, for stagnated water and dead legs and for any other potential threats. They will then supply you with your own copy of the risk assessment, which includes;
Site survey data and asset register
Observations with photographic evidence (where applicable)Risk rating
Recommendations to reduce the risk
Schematic drawing of water system
Legionella monitoring regime
Legionella and microbiological analysis
Depending on the risks that the water assessment highlights, Cleartech can then carry out services such as shower descaling, tank cleans, Legionella sampling, temperature checking and full water hygiene monitoring regimes, in order to ensure your property is L8 compliant.
Who needs to conduct a Legionella risk assessment?
All employers, building managers, property owners and landlords are required, by law, to have Legionella risk assessments carried out on all buildings which can be accessed by the public or are a place of work.
In fact, if any of your premises possess any of the following then Legionella Risk Assessments are required:
Hot and cold water systems
Air conditioning systems
Spas, showers, Jacuzzi’s
Although it is impossible to guarantee that pathogenic micro-organisms such as Legionella bacteria will not exist in engineered water systems, through proactive risk management and control procedures, it is possible to significantly reduce the factors that allow such bacteria to proliferate in water systems.
ll of Cleartech’s Legionella risk assessors are City & Guilds qualified and members of the Legionella Control Association, and they carry out expert ACOP L8 risk assessments in accordance with the following specific codes of practice and guidance documents (where applicable):
Health & Safety Executive: Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8 “Legionnaires’ disease. The control of legionella bacteria in water systems”
Health & Safety Executive: HSG274 Legionnaires’ disease: Technical guidance Part 1: The control of legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems
Health & Safety Executive: HSG274 Legionnaires’ disease: Technical guidance Part 2: The control of legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems
Health & Safety Executive: HSG274 Legionnaires’ disease: Technical guidance Part 3: The control of legionella bacteria in other risk systems
BS 7592:2008 “Sampling for Legionella bacteria in water systems. Code of practice”
BS 8580:2010 “Water quality – Guide to risk assessments for Legionella control”
Legionella Control Association: Service Standards
Legionella Control Association: Recommended Code of Conduct for Service Providers