Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) Testing

LEV Testing is the process of thoroughly inspecting and evaluating a local exhaust ventilation system against the commissioning report’s performance, industry standards, and HSE guidelines. It includes airflow and pressure measurements, as well as checks on the effectiveness of contamination exposure control.

City & Guild Qualified Engineers

Certification of necessary action is provided

Effective inspection and clear evaluation

Testing and Inspection

Cleartech specialise in providing comprehensive examination and testing services for Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems, ensuring that they meet stringent COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) standards. Our expertise lies in conducting thorough assessments, known as COSHH TExT, to ascertain the effectiveness of LEV systems in controlling hazardous substances released in the workplace environment.

Delivery of both initial appraisals and thorough examinations for new or modified LEV systems, as well as conducting examinations and tests for existing systems.

Regular testing to be carried out every 14 months

Adherence to Regulation 9 of COSHH Regulations 2002

Engineers with BOHS qualifications

Compliance within guidance outlined in HSE publication HSG258